Alla inlägg under september 2008

Av Pelle - 15 september 2008 21:59

Yes, I know the feeling from the last km's of some marathons etc. No energy left in my system and the whole body is feeling so weak and you just have to rely on the will power. My late afternoon training was 18 km's around Lilla & Stora Delsjön + 8:an. I hadn't eaten any lunch, just some toast bread, so I more or less asked for trouble. The course around the lakes is very undulating, so it was hard work from start and already half way I was out of steam. Had to walk uphill and realized that my energy level was very low. Anyhow, I made it all the way according to my plan. Well, there aren't really any options when you are half way out there in the forest. Just keep moving forward. Got home and was a bit wobbly. I still think that these kind of low quality training sessions with empty fuel tank, are rather good in the longer perspective. I can recall some similar runs that temporarily destroyed my selfconfidence, that quite soon after gave me the opposite experience. Perhaps it's because I'm more cautious about charging my system with carbohydrates & energy, for a few weeks after when something like this happens.

A powerbar or energy-gel are always good to bring on longer runs, but today I only had water. I don't really have any respect for distances under 20 km's.

Av Pelle - 14 september 2008 15:20

My plan to run 24 km in Delsjön was canceled when Jan called and said that he couldn't get the time for it, so instead I ran 10 km's around the lake with Fredrik. I've promised to guide him around, since he's been lost there in the forest before. It was a bit muddy & slippery due to some rain lately and we took it easy. After waving goodbye to him, I went home to change shoes and put Nellie in the babyjogger for an 11 km asphalt jogg. Around 6 min/km was OK, since it's a bit harder when I have to push the stroller in front of me. Hopefully, this kind of running will make normal running feel so much easier, but on the other hand I will miss having Nellie with me and meet all other people that are out for Sunday walks etc, that are sending positive vibrations to us through their smiles. We bought a twin baby jogger / stroller this week, so soon I will be able to take both Nellie & Jim for a run. It doesn't get easier, just more FUN.

Misia started her training comeback yesterday with a 4,5 km run. She was very happy to be back in the sporty clothes again, but she got some muscle pain in her stomache afterwards, but she's determined to get back in shape a.s.a.p

Av Pelle - 13 september 2008 23:35

It's like existing in a "time bubble" of your own for a while. No work to worry about and very few other activities as well. Instead just doing small things around home with the small ones. Nellie & me have had lots of time together and that's been really good. This morning we went for another bike ride, 25 km's around Tahult, Härkelshult, Jonsered, Partille. Excellent to be able to do outdoor activities with her. She really likes it and so do I. We also managed to create a console construction for the kayak on the side of the house, where it can be stored over the winter season.

The summer has now turned into autumn, so it's suddenly a bit more chilly outside. We tried the fireplace for the first time last night. It will be great during the coming 6 months.

These photos are actually me with Victor 25 years ago. Strange, now he's in the same situation with a little baby. Important to slow down and do some reflections back in time now and then. Wow, Goooosh!

Av Pelle - 12 september 2008 19:30

At 18.05 I became Grandfather. That's really something. Sounds old somehow, but who cares anyhow? It's more crazy that our 2 weeks old son, suddenly became Uncle Jim!!

The baby girl of Victor & Sara will be called Asta. Born in Eskilstuna, at the hospital just behind the house at Djurgårdsparken where they live. Everything fine with her so far and Victor is as always super cool. No major drama or emotional outburst. Good to have it done.

Over and Out from Grandpa Pelle.

Av Pelle - 11 september 2008 22:28

That's what I need to do to improve and that's also the difference between jogging & running. Today I ran exactly the same 13 km's as yesterday (20 hours later) and I decided already from start to push it a bit in comparsion to yesterday. I focused mentally on the pace more or less all the way and it wasn't comfortable, but I felt like I was running, not just jogging. It's so easy to let your mind drift away and then the autopilot automatically switch over to cruise control speed = comfortable jogging pace, that I have programmed my body over the years, to be used to.

I was 4 minutes faster today, approx 5 % diff. So it's all about how you decide to perform your run and then stay focused.

My intention is not to be competetive, but it would be nice to return back into running with a better pace/flow, so I don't just get slower and slower due to age and lack of guts to feel some pain. "Body, mind, focus", correct Micke?

Next target is set. Göteborg Marathon on October 11. One month away, so if I can do 2 long distance runs (+20 km) within the next couple of weeks, then I'm confident about a sub 4.30 finish time. My target has to be to beat my previous best time of the year, 4.25 from Tateyama Wakashio Marathon in Japan.

So a little bit more focus on the running for a couple of weeks and this will be a piece of cake. Mix a couple of quality runs during the weeks and then have a LSD jog during the weekends. Classic formula!

Av Pelle - 10 september 2008 17:17

During todays run (or maybe jog), I was wondering if I was running or jogging? What is the universal definition for each of these terms and where is the border between them? Can it be based on the pace maybe? and perhaps also in relation to your own pace only? If you run 10 km's as fast as you can = 40 min, then you can probabaly call it a jog when you use +50 min. Hmmm...

That means that I don't run any more. I only go jogging. My pace at the moment is most often around 5.30 min/km, but I can speed up over shorter distances if I really need to. Todays 13 km at Delsjön were very nice, in an easy jogging pace, in a light pre-autumn rain. Wonderful!

Yesterday, I made a comeback jog, after 10 days of abstinence due to a cold. 10 km's with Nellie in the baby-jogger (the actual name of the stroller), so that was definately jogging.

I also managed to get Oliver into running this summer. We ran together around the lake (10 km trail) and also a few times on the asphalt and in the forest tracks. He has some talent for it, but there are always other more fun things to do. I will not push him, only support him and make sure that he enjoys it. Nice to do these kind of things together.

Av Pelle - 10 september 2008 11:48

What is happening in the safe haven of Sweden? It used to be rather safe & free from criminal elements. Feel SECURE in Sweden. That's the way my brain has been programmed during my childhood and even later. You should be able to trust people around you and not have to be over-protective. Relaxed at home, but on your guard when you travel abroad. That's not true anymore. I have to change my blue eyes and be much more careful nowadays. That's really ashame and boring development.

Since we moved here in May, there's been some guys destroying the electricity center outside our house, cutting off the power supply to the whole block. I managed to run out and chase them away in the middle of the night. When the police came they just confirmed that these kind of incidents are rather common. It felt to me, like the police force is rather demoralized and is just doing the admin work. Big yaaawn!

I also had someone stealing my MTB bike inside my garage, when I was at home. Now I have to lock the garage port all the time. Boring!

Last weekend, Jörgen had a break-in at his house during night-time while they where sleeping and yesterday David had a break-in into his car. So it's not a one off kind of thing. The frequency is to high to ignore it.

These kind of shit incidents really make me upset and angry.

It creates a suspious and unfriendly society. Why is it like this nowadays?? Some people say it's because we have opened the borders. Hmmm... that had to happen regardless and I don't think this is the basic reason.

There is suddenly some lack of respect in general for other people and other peoples belongings. Perhaps it's due to parents lack of time to teach their kids important life values and what's right & wrong. We are far to busy ... The ethics are going downhill in supersonic speed.

During our 2 years in Asia we had no incidents what so ever, even though we were warned about potential risks in Kuala Lumpur. We had several guards at our condo, so the risk was minimal around there. In Korea we felt very secure. Young people are tought to respect olders and others.

Av Pelle - 9 september 2008 09:26

After watching the US Open semifinal between Rafael Nadal & Andy Murray the other night with lots of excellent tennis duels, I was very excited about the final between the Scotsman and Roger Federer. Well it wasn't that much of a fight, Federer was just so much better in relative terms, probably just playing his normal solid game. Murray looked like a loser already from the first shot. I think that he wasn't mentally ready for a Grand Slam Final and he also had a tougher game the day before, beating Nadal. So big difference to watch him in these 2 matches. Federer is a fantastic tennis player, but not as fun to watch as Nadal. To much of a predictable robot, even if he's shown some human weaknesses lately. 5 straight US Open trophies is anyhow mega respect!! Instead I love to watch Nadal playing. Very energetic and powerful. Great biceps for a tennisplayer and he also looks very cool on the court, like coming straight from the beach. It would have been great see him play against King Gustav V (if time machines would work).

It was hard to stay awake when the tennis wasn't on the expected top level. Nothing like the Wimbledon final over 5 sets this summer. Probably the best match I've ever seen.

I joined Jörgen, Janne & Hans for a game of doubles during the evening, acting as a stand-in in their regular set-up. That was the 3rd time during the last month and it is good fun. The ground strokes get better and better for each occasion, but I would need to play some more singles to become more consistent and build up some confidence in my volley.

I also need to have a revenge game with Micke S to put things right again. No friendly merciness this time. Just kill him!

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